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Brand Identity for coffee shop

Type of project

Graphics and illustrations



Projekt káva

Tento projekt balení kávy zahrnoval tvorbu loga, ilustrací a celé identity značky. Balení bylo pečlivě navrženo tak, aby přitahovalo zákazníky, kteří ocení luxusní design. Cílem bylo vytvořit vizuálně atraktivní a jedinečný zážitek šitý na míru cílové skupině.

This coffee packaging project involved the creation of a logo, illustrations and the entire brand identity. The packaging has been carefully designed to attract customers who appreciate a luxurious design. The goal was to create a visually attractive and unique experience tailored to the target group.

In addition, I also created a UX/UI design for a coffee e-shop that complements this brand, and you can see it at the link above. Both projects are aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the brand and reaching a wider range of customers.

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